Oracle Database 11g: Administration I
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About this Course
The overall objective of this course is to allow the student to gain the skills necessary for day-to-day administration of an Oracle database. This 5-day course is the starting point for Oracle database administrators and also sets the foundation for advanced administrator training and certification.
Major tasks to be considered within this course are:
- Software installation and the creation of new databases
- An in-depth exploration of the database architecture, including memory, process and data structures, and the management of those structures
- Management of database files
- Specialized facilities intended to maximize performance of enterprise-scale transactional applications, such as the shared SQL and PL/SQL cache, the result cache, the database buffer cache, and other similar components
- Management of security policies and procedures, including administration of user accounts, roles, privileges and profiles
- Utilization of advanced self-tuning and self-management capabilities, including the use of Oracle-Managed Files, database Advisors and other components of the Management Framework
- Performance monitoring, problem troubleshooting, and resolving lock and conflict issues
- Using the Oracle Enterprise Manager and SQL interfaces for administration tasks
- Control over database support services, including the Database Control, Oracle Net and others
- A primer on backup and recovery structures and strategies
- Operating system-specific considerations for various platforms, especially Linux and MS Windows Server
Audience Profile
The primary target audience for this course is Oracle database administrators. Oracle web server and application server administrators, as well as others who must manage an embedded repository database using Oracle database technology will also find this information useful. This course is also recommended for technical consultants, support engineers, project managers and other technical management and support personnel.
Many students taking this course have familiarity with system administration and administration of other non-Oracle databases, and this is helpful though not mandatory.
Certification Examination
This course along with its prerequisites cover information necessary to complete the certification test Exam #1Z1-052 Oracle Database11G: Administration I.