Microsoft Office Access (Level 3)
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About this Course
You've covered many of the basic functions of Microsoft® Office Access® and now you're ready to learn advanced Access features such as, database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access and more. Knowledge of these features separate database professionals from the casual database users or occasional designers. Today's training added to that which you've gained from the previous two days round out your Access education and provide you with marketable job skills.
You can also use the course to prepare for the Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Certification exams for Microsoft Access 2013.
Audience Profile
Students taking this course are database administrators or prospective database administrators who have experience working with Access 2013 and need to learn advanced skills.
Course Outline
Lesson 1: Implementing Advanced Form Design
- Topic A: Add Controls to Forms
- Topic B: Create Subforms
- Topic C: Organize Information with Tab Pages
- Topic D: Enhance Navigation of Forms
- Topic E: Apply Conditional Formatting
Lesson 2: Using Data Validation
- Topic A: Field and Record Validation
- Topic B: Form Validation
Lesson 3: Using Macros to Improve User Interface Design
- Topic A: Create a Macro
- Topic B: Restrict Records Using a Condition
- Topic C: Validate Data Using a Macro
- Topic D: Automate Data Entry Using a Macro
- Topic E: Convert a Macro to VBA
Lesson 4: Using Advanced Database Management
- Topic A: Link Tables to External Data Sources
- Topic B: Manage a Database
- Topic C: Determine Object Dependency
- Topic D: Document a Database
- Topic E: Analyze the Performance of a Database
Lesson 5: Distributing and Securing a Database
- Topic A: Splitting a Database for Multiple User Access
- Topic B: Implement Security
- Topic C: Set Passwords
- Topic D: Convert an Access Database to an ACCDE File
- Topic E: Package a Database with a Digital Signature
Lesson 6: Managing Switchboards
- Topic A: Create a Database Switchboard
- Topic B: Modify a Database Switchboard
- Topic C: Set Startup Options